Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

For my Advanced Technologies in Journalism class, we are required to tell a short story through the art of photography. Through five different photos, we must create and set the scene for an exciting event that has happened in our life. After looking through several of my pictures, I stumbled upon the pictures from when Kailah Coates, Hannah Tison and I traveled to Birmingham to experience the "happiest 5K" in the world, also known as The Color Run. We had heard about how great this 5K was, and had seen pictures online of how cool it looked, and wanted to check it out! Unlike any other 5K, there are volunteers that literally throw colored corn starch at you, and by the end of the 3.1 miles, you look like a walking rainbow! We woke up at 5:00am that morning to be able to fight through traffic, get a good parking place, and get a good place in line behind the starting line. We looked at our iPhones and saw on the Weather Channel app, it called for 100% ALL DAY. We were very discouraged, but drove to the track anyway. Needless to say, the rain didn't hold off this party...over 10,000 people were in Birmingham, Alabama with white t-shirts and shorts, prepared to get color on them! We were soaking wet, but that only added to the fun of the color! I hope these pictures capture our experience of The Color Run. It was a memory I will always love, spending it with two of my best friends! 

                                                                        "Cover Shot"
                                                                        "Detail Shot"     
                                                               "Establishing Shot"
                                                                        "Filler Shot"
                                                                        "Closing Shot"

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