Thursday, September 12, 2013

Juggling Act

I have only been a senior in college for 30 days, and so far, I feel like all I have been doing is acting like I'm in a circus...and I'm the main attraction with the Juggling Act. From leaving a life changing summer I experienced in Ft. Walton, where I was constantly surrounded by uplifting brothers and sisters in Christ, to stepping on a campus full of all sorts of people has definitely been quite the transition for me. From taking five classes that keep me on my toes, to working at Chick-Fil-A, to being proactive with Campus Outreach, to kicking off leading a Bible Study with freshmen girls, to learning how to give tours as a Trojan Ambassador, to keeping up with friends and's a challenge to stay organized and focused when so many plates are spinning. One thing I have learned through this initial craziness this semester is that in my weakness, Jesus has an even better opportunity to show His strength through me. I can boast in my weaknesses; whether my weakness is my stress from school, my exhaustion from a crazy weak, sin in my life that discourages me, or just me feeling physically and mentally weak, Jesus is able to fill me up with His strength and His power that is so unique and refreshing. I have experienced this strength that only comes from the Father, and I never want to stop experiencing it. I can't wait to see how He continues to move in my heart this semester and this last year that I have as a college student at Troy, and look forward to updating you all on how He gets the glory in many more situations! He is faithful. 

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